Campground Updates

On this page, you’ll find updates that affect Eastern Sierra or Death Valley campgrounds for a longer period of time or that are planned in advance. For example, if a campground is going to be closed due to construction or the spaces are going to be renumbered.

You’ll also find updates to information in our book Eastern Sierra And Death Valley Camping With Privacy. Click on the links below to find out what’s happening in the campgrounds.

For last-minute closures due to fires or other unexpected events, but sure to like our I Love The Eastern Sierra Facebook Page and follow us on Twitter @ILoveEastSierra

We’ll be adding more updates so check back here often especially before you plan to camp at a particular campground.

Furnace Creek Campground

Gull Lake Campground

Hope Valley Resort Campground

Onion Valley Campground 

Panamint Springs Resort

Silver Lake Campground

Texas Springs Campground

Turtle Rock Park Campground

Whitney Portal Family Campground